Why is financial planning a secret? And what could this mean for you – and your loved ones?

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OK, but is financial planning really a secret?

Why has no one told you this before?

  1. The size of the pension fund they’ll need for the pension income they want.
  2. The future value (in today’s money terms) of lump sums (or regular savings) invested over time.

An extra warning about #finfluencers

We urge you to avoid investing tips from random (unqualified) #finfluencers on social media.

The UK’s financial regulator now has rules about financial promotions on social media and is finally bringing criminal charges against those who mislead us.

And research from the Swiss Finance Institute (based on data from 29,000 Twitter (X) accounts) showed that over half (56%) of ‘influencers’ give money-losing tips – while another 16% provide no value at all.

However, the most shocking fact is that the money-losing tipsters tend to have the most followers!

Could that be because the noisiest people on Social Media are the most (over) confident?

Well, Psychologists have also shown that we humans tend to obey instructions (without question) from those we see as authority figures.

We don’t take enough care to check the credentials of these confidence tricksters.

For information: If you’d followed the tips of the majority (money-losing) tipsters – you’d have lost 2.3% on average – each month!

Click here to learn how to choose money boxes.

Finally, regarding what turns people off personal finance, we think some product providers (banks, insurers, fund managers, pension providers, etc.) make the topics too complicated.

These firms need to work harder to offer more engaging, plain English answers to crucial money questions – and, in fairness, the leaders are now improving their content.

Either way – that’s our mission – to bring accurate, balanced and compelling money Insights to you.

If people don’t plan their money, what do they do instead?

Unfortunately, many people don’t seek financial guidance until events overtake them – and then rely on friends, family, and social media influencers for ideas.

Of course, some of those people are well-intentioned, and some may be experts in personal finance matters.

In many instances, however, the quality (and personalisation) of their advice will not match that of a qualified financial planner.

Few people take financial planning seriously until they (or someone they know) encounter a financially challenging life event. And it’s worth thinking about those events in advance.

So, here are 15 of those events, which we’ve (arbitrarily) divided into five categories – to make the list easier to read.

Life and Death events

Financial windfalls

Homebuying and Mortgage events

Relationship events!

Events around work – and pensions

What’s wrong with reacting to events?

Coming next

What Our Clients Think

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Thank you very much to you and Richard for your help, which has been really useful. I am very happy with the outcome so far. I will be sure to get back in touch as soon I’m in a position to do some work developing my financial plan more broadly. I will also be sure to mention Create Wealth to my colleagues and other friends who are interested in getting the kind of assistance you can provide. Thank you once again

Name 1, Where

Stephen understands our needs and listens carefully to our preferences. He is reassuring about complicated procedures. He never tries to push a product or influence us beyond advice. He has been very sympathetic and a good friend in our difficult circumstances since my husband’s Alzheimer’s diagnosis. Needing help with care costs and helping with funds for grandchildren. Help from Stephen has been reassuring and secured the financial situation.

Name 1, Where

I have been a client of Peter Davies and Create Wealth Management for about 10 years now and have been consistently impressed and delighted with the care and attention Peter has always shown in understanding my needs. From the time he put in place arrangements to relieve me of my inheritance tax liabilities to the ongoing monitoring of my investment funds he has ensured that I have enjoyed both a regular income and capital growth from them; just exactly what I requested.

Name 1, Where