Financial Planning

Financial Planning

Financial wealth enables you to fulfil your lifestyle desires – very few of us actually endeavour to make money merely to have a significant sum at the bank. It is the ability to convert cash into lifestyle choices which is usually the key driver behind wealth creation and wealth management.

A financial plan which concentrates on the numbers is, in reality, an uninspiring and largely ineffectual approach. Money on its own has, arguably, no value. What it does have is the ability to transform into other things such as cars, holidays, food etc.

It is this conversion process which is of more interest to a lifestyle financial plan. It is the understanding of what you really want to convert money into which is of importance as this tells us about your Hopes, Dreams and Aspirations.

A lifetime cash flow forecast is designed to give you a pictorial representation of your financial future. This then enables you to make decisions about your lifestyle and finances in a manner which shows you the likely consequences of those decisions.

From a financial planner’s perspective, the use of a cash flow approach enables us to assess the risk of you living longer than your money; establish the investment return you actually need (as opposed to the one you may think you need) as well as looking at the impact of fluctuating values on your ability to meet your future expenditure needs.

It provides you (and us) with a pictorial road map / personal business plan on which to build an appropriate financial strategy as well as enabling us to assess the impact of various risk scenarios.

What Our Clients Think

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The first time I have had money made for me that I have not to pay huge fees to obtain. When other advisers phone I just tell them that I am with Create Wealth they just say that ‘you are with a very good firm’ and that gives me a lot of confidence.

Mr J. Colin Jones, Caerphilly

I have known Peter Davies for many years, from the first time I met him 10 years ago when he was at Lloyds Private Banking looking after my money, to now at Create Wealth Management. He has never been less than scrupulous and helpful in managing my affairs and we have built up what I believe is a friendly personal relationship Now I am in a care home and faced with the complexities of sorting out my funding and Peter has been unfailingly helpful and encouraging and if does come to a satisfactory conclusion it will in no small part be due to Peter’s knowhow and advice .

Mrs S Morris, Pembroke

I know Steve as I am a solicitor working with mutual clients. I am aware of his advice on financial & Tax planning. His depth of knowledge gives his clients and me as a referrer great confidence in his abilities. His understanding of a client’s needs and the approach he takes is invaluable to those he advises. I have no hesitation to recommending him to my clients.

Mr. Chris Beames, Senior Partner, Private Clients at Berry Smith LLP

Stephen understands our needs and listens carefully to our preferences. He is reassuring about complicated procedures. He never tries to push a product or influence us beyond advice.

Mr & Mrs J Fisher, Glamorgan

I have known Stephen for many years and became a direct client 7 years ago. During this time I have had every confidence that Stephen understands my individual requirements and needs and has provided suitable advice when it has been appropriate and has not just provided advice for advice sake. It is pleasing to see that he takes his own professional development and all-round financial knowledge very seriously so that he is well equipped to provide advice on the ever changing economic and market conditions.

David Kelly, Almondsbury

Create Wealth